Trinity 3 - Year C – Eucharist – 7.vii.2019
(Isaiah 66.10-14; Galatians 6.7-16; Luke 10.1-11,16-20)
When I read today’s Gospel passage - Jesus sending out 70
disciples in pairs to go ahead of him - I find myself thinking of some words of
Alfred Loisy, a French priest who lived at the end of the 19th and
into the middle of the 20th Century. They’re words that translate
Jesus appeared
proclaiming the Kingdom of God, but what came about was the Church.
Go proclaiming God’s Kingdom - and what do you get? - the
Church! Is that supposed to be some sort of let-down? - a big anti-climax
following on from the mission Jesus had set himself? Does it tell us that we’re
simply not up to the task which Jesus gave his followers? It certainly says
something about the original urgency in what Jesus sought and a process
of institutionalisation which followed. So was the mission of Jesus -
proclaiming the Kingdom of God - in the end a failure?
From the outset I want to say, No! Proclaiming the
Kingdom of God is good - it’s the calling of the followers of Jesus. And being
the Church is good - that’s how we continue the work of Jesus. The two go together.
We need to remind ourselves that this is a situation of not one or the other,
but both / and. We need continually to be reminded of our initial calling
- to proclaim the Kingdom and recognise the urgency of the task; but also to
see how its message may be consolidated and made real in people’s
lives - and that requires urgency.
I don’t think Alfred Loisy was being cynical when he made
his observation. His thinking took him into conclusions which saw his writings
banned, and eventually he was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. He
had problems early in his ministry with the authorship of the Scriptures, the Virgin
Birth and the Resurrection, and doubted that God was revealing the reality of
his being and nature in Jesus. After his excommunication he continued as a lay
intellectual and taught a humanist system of ethics separate from any divine
revelation. Yet nevertheless I think we owe him a lot for his single sentence
observation that Jesus’ mission was to preach the Kingdom of God, but what we
find ourselves dealing with is the reality of the Church.
Jesus himself makes only one direct reference to an institution
which might be called the Church, when he tells Peter and his disciples:
“You are Peter, and on this rock will I build my Church.” And scholars have
asked whether Jesus really had any sense of such an institution in mind
- couldn’t this simply be Matthew in his Gospel writing with hindsight? Would
Jesus be disappointed with what his followers have become?
The answer is, I think, Yes and No.
Yes, because we always fail to live up to our
calling. The life of the Church is far from perfect. Jesus calls his first disciples
to leave their fishing nets or their tax desk - to walk away from their
comfortable ways of life for the sake of proclaiming Good News to any who will
hear: to bring justice to the oppressed, healing to the sick, hope for the poor.
“Go on your way,” he tells the people
he sends out ahead of him. “See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst
of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road.”
But we can so often feel stuck in the doldrums of
faith. We haven’t the energy for the urgency. We have responsibilities
which we don’t feel we can shirk. We need money, clothes, footwear - and
homes to live in. So we simply can’t respond in the way Jesus asks.
Yes, Jesus would find there are very few who these
days can live up to the urgency he asked of his first followers. But there’s
also a No. “The kingdom of
God has come near.” That’s what Jesus wants people to know. But the task is to
bring it near to people where they are. After preaching the Good News of
the Kingdom we have to get on with the task of living it. And that’s what it is
to be “the Church.” That’s something we have to do in the here and now, in the
places where we live, with the structures we need to enable that way of life -
and when it comes to being the Church, that means the structures of buildings
and the structures of organisation,… each of which can get us down, but at the
same time necessary to enable us in our mission.
In the last eight days, our diocese has celebrated the
ordination of eight new deacons and eleven new priests. This is the time of
year that makes me look at my own ministry - the response I made to my own
calling nearly 40 years ago. I make the time to read again the Ordinal - the
words spoken by the Bishop to those he is about to ordain - and feel the
enormity of the task: “to proclaim the word of the Lord, to call his (or her)
hearers to repentance, and in Christ’s name to absolve and declare the forgiveness
of sins.” The Bishop tells the priest: “Remember the greatness of the trust now
to be committed to your charge… Remember always with thanksgiving that the treasure…
entrusted to you is Christ’s own flock, bought through the shedding of his
blood on the cross.” Am I really up to it? - I ask myself.
This year I’ve been moved to be with a number of those who
have in the last few days been ordained - some of them very young, they seem
(though in fact none of them as young as I was!). So much that many of
them are giving up, and I’m in many ways daunted on their behalf at the thought
of what they may go through and have to deal with in the Church over the coming
years and decades. But as I’ve been reminded myself, we pray to God, “you see
that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves.” And the Bishop reminds
those who are to be ordained:
Because you
cannot bear the weight of this ministry in your own strength but only by the
grace and power of God, pray earnestly for his Holy Spirit. Pray that he
will each day enlarge and enlighten your understanding…
Jesus tells his followers to go out proclaiming the Kingdom
without purse, bag or sandals - we need to be equipped only by his grace.
But then we will need to build on the fruits of that task. Baptise
people of every nation - he will tell his disciples before he leaves them. Take
bread and wine, he tells them at the Last Supper, and they will be for you my
Body and my Blood - do this in remembrance of me, and I will be with you.
This is how we build the Church - not in bricks and stone,
not in man-made organisational structures; but by celebrating the sacraments,
by faithfulness in prayer and study, in service of others and sharing of the
Good News. Jesus himself is the Word made flesh. Proclaim the Kingdom - and
pray that what we will get is the Church, which is truly his Body, living out
his ways.