Sermons + Our Magazine

To read more about St. Cuthbert's & St. John's - and to find out what we're preaching about, please click on the links below:

It's increasingly the case that the Vicar's homilies are not scripted in a way suitable for online reading - some are to be found below, but it's better to catch him live (most Sundays in each of our churches - and online through our Home Page and via our Facebook pages)

The Vicar is also to be seen recorded live on his YouTube Channel - find it here, and you can use the subscribe button to keep up to date

Parish Magazine - online edition October 2020

Parish Magazine - online edition September 2020

Parish Magazine - online edition July and August 2020

Parish Magazine - online edition June 2020

Parish Magazine - special issue May 2020

Parish Magazine - special issue April 2020

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - March 2020

Creation - Goodness and Groaning: Homily for the 2nd Sunday before Lent, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 16th February 2020

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - February 2020

"A wistful coil of questions..." Homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, preached by the Revd.Martin Jackson, 5th January 2020

Love came down... Sermon for the 1st Sunday of Christmas, preached by Rosie Junemann, 29th December 2019

Finding Bethlehem: Homily for Christmas Night, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - December 2019 and January 2020

Catastrophe and Healing: Sermon for the 2nd Sunday before Advent, preached by Rosie Junemann, 17th November 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - November 2019

Seeking Justice from God: Homily for the 18th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 24), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 20th October 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - October 2019

Sermon for the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, preached by Rosie Junemann, 29th September 2019

The Dishonest Steward - personal integrity and the option for the poor: Homily for the 14th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 20), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 22nd September 2019

Lost keys, coins and sheep: Homily for the 13th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 19), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 15th September 2019

Counting the Cost? - Choose Life: Homily for the 12th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 18), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 8th September 2019

Building Jerusalem: Sermon for the 11th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 17), preached by Rosie Junemann, 1st September 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - September 2019

A Few Possessions? Homily for the 8th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 14), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 11th August 2019

Spiders and Kingfishers - Persistence in Prayer: Sermon for the 6th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 12), preached by Rosie Junemann

Being the Neighbour - The Good Samaritan: Homily for the 4th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 10), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 14th July 2019

Proclaiming the Kingdom - Being the Church: Homily for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity (Proper 9), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 7th July 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - July and August 2019

Stand firm and follow: Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity (Proper 8), preached by Rosie Junemann, 30 June 2019

Life and healing amongst the dead: Homily for the 1st Sunday after Trinity (Proper 7), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 23 June 2019

The loving embrace of God: Homily for Trinity Sunday, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 16 June 2019

Receive the Spirit - Keep my commandments: Homily for Pentecost, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 9 June 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - June 2019

Of socks and sheep... Homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 12 May 2019

Back to the nets... Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 5 May 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - May 2019

Calcined to dust? Homily for Easter Day, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 21 April 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - April 2019

Trouble enough... and a fig tree - Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 24 March 2019

Of foxes and hens - Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson at St. John's Church, Castleside, 17 March 2019

Look up! Sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, preached by Rosie Junemann, 17 March 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - March 2019

The sea is so wide and my boat is so small - Homily for the 4th Sunday before Lent, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 10 February 2019

Candlemas - Sermon for the Feast of the Presentation preached by Rosie Junemann, 3 February 2019

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - February 2019

What do we see? What will we do? Homily for the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 13th January 2019

Epiphany - Finding God's Glory in Christ: Homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 6th January 2019

Families: Sermon for the 1st Sunday of Christmas, preached by Rosie Junemann 30th December 2018

Manu - God-with-us: Homily for Christmas Night 2018, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - December 2018-January 2019

The Coming of Christ and our Waiting: Homily for Advent Sunday, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

A different sort of King: Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King, preached by Rosie Junemann 25 November 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - November 2018

To be saints - the calling of God's people: Homily for All Saints' Sunday, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 4th November 2018

Impossible demands: Sermon for the 20th Sunday after Trinity, preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's, on 14th October 2018

God loves us - because we're human: Homily for the 18th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 30th September 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - October 2018

"Whoever welcomes one such child..." Homily for the 17th Sunday after Trinity preached at St. John's Church, Castleside by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 23rd September 2018

When I am lifted up: Homily for the 16th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 16th September 2018

Crossing the boundaries: Homily for the 15th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 9th September 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - September 2018

Be a do-er, not just a hearer: Homily for the 14th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 2nd September 2018

Wisdom calls: Homily for the 12th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 19th August 2018

A Plentiful Sufficiency: Sermon for the 9th Sunday after Trinity, preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's, 29th July 2018

Truth speaks to Power: Homily for the 7th Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 15th July 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - July & August 2018

Avoidance, Sanctity and Faithfulness: Homily for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 10th June 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - June 2018

God, more loving than love: Sermon preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's, on Trinity Sunday, 27 May 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - May 2018

Easter Homily preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, Easter Day 1st April 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - April 2018

The Law written on their Hearts: Sermon for the 5th Sunday of Lent, preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's, on Sunday 18 March 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - March 2018

Take up the Cross: Sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's on Sunday 25 February 2018

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - February 2018

Poetry and Candlemas: Sermon preached by Rosie Junemann, Reader at St. Cuthbert's, on 28th January 2018

Dismissiveness and Discipleship: Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, 14th January 2018, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

Homily for the 1st Sunday of Christmas, 31st December 2017, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

Homily for Midnight Mass, Christmas Night 2017, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - Double issue: December 2017 and January 2018

He's got the whole world in his heart: Homily for the Feast of Christ the King, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 26th November 2017

Heaven, Hell and Encounter: Sermon preached on the 2nd Sunday before Advent by Rosie Junemann, Reader, 19th November 2107

Remembrance - the human factor: Homily for Remembrance Sunday 12th November 2017, preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - November 2017

Loving with all your heart: Sermon preached on the Last Sunday after Trinity (Proper 25) by Rosie Junemann, Reader, 29th October 2017

A Wedding Feast and the Excuses we make: Homily for the 18th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 23), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 15th October 2017

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - October 2017

Getting into Philippians: Sermon preached on the 15th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 20) by Rosie Junemann, 24th September 2017

Following Jesus - and the Cross: Homily for the 12th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 17), preached by the Revd. Martin Jackson, 3rd September 2017

St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine - September 2017