Our weekly notice sheet - and other updates


Parish Pewsheet - 2nd Sunday after Trinity (Proper 7) - 21 June 2020

Parish Pewsheet - 1st Sunday after Trinity (Proper 6) - 14 June 2020

Parish Pewsheet - Trinity Sunday - 7 June 2020

Parish Pewsheet - Pentecost - 31 May 2020

Parish Pewsheet - 7th Sunday of Easter (Ascension-tide) - 24 May 2020

Parish Pewsheet - 6th Sunday of Easter - 17 May 2020

Parish Pewsheet - 5th Sunday of Easter - 10 May 2020

The people behind the names - biographies of the fallen as recorded on our World War II Memorial

Parish Pewsheet - 4th Sunday of Easter - 3 May 2020

Eucharist - our regular form of service (PDF - displays as intended for computer or Tablet use)

Parish Pewsheet - 3rd Sunday of Easter - 26 April 2020

Parish Pewsheet - 2nd Sunday of Easter - 19 April 2020

Parish Pewsheet + Order of Service - Easter Day 12 April 2020

Two hymns for use on Easter Day

Parish Pewsheet - Palm Sunday - 5 April 2020

St. Cuthbert's Church Facebook page

St. John's Church Facebook page

Holy Week Booklet - prayers, readings and reflections (pdf - for display and reading online)

Holy Week Booklet - prayers, readings and reflections by Andy and Ali Miller

Pray as you go - daily meditation

Stations of the Cross - from the Holy Land

Parish Booklet for worship and prayer (Word Document for printing)

Parish Booklet for worship and prayer (PDF for download or reading online)

Durham Diocese - Facebook page

Parish Pewsheet - Passion Sunday (5th Sunday of Lent) - 29 March 2020

Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of Durham - Passion Sunday 29 March 2020

1 comment:

Helen brennan said...

Thank you very much for keeping Chris and myself and all our friends from st John's up to date with pew sheets church is a big miss but the blog helps us immensely so once again a big thank you stay well