Wednesday, 28 January 2009

New online - the February Parish Magazine

I've just completed the setting up of our latest issue of St. Cuthbert's Parish Magazine. It still has to be taken to our printer - but you can see what's in it by accessing the online edition here.

We hope, nevertheless, that you'll still buy one / subscribe if you're within easy reach of a hard copy (when it appears).

1 comment:

Peter Kirk said...

Martin, I have just discovered your blog, through Bishop Alan who has both of us on his blogroll. I think you found mine, Gentle Wisdom, last year, and perhaps that gave you the inspiration for yours.

It's good to get back in touch with a friend from 35 years ago - is it really that long since we met at Cambridge? I'm glad that now it's not just we Natural Sciences geeks but even you one time history and theology students who make good use of computers.