Friday, 26 March 2021

Celebrating Holy Week & Easter

 As I wrote last month:

The great thing about Lent is that it comes to an end; and its point is to get us to that end, to point us to Christ’s Passion, Death & Resurrection which we reach at Easter. Easter is a date that will come regardless. The Resurrection is a truth to celebrate wherever we may be. For now patience is more than ever required - but with it there is hope!    

I am so glad that we feel we are in a position to resume public worship in time for Easter. By which I mean to offer the opportunity to do so. There will continue to be those who should continue to exercise caution in what they do and do not do - and some who should follow official guidelines on shielding. So please read my reminders about all that we are doing and what is required to keep our churches as safe as possible.

Face coverings, social distancing and hygiene continue to be watchwords for us. Churches are permitted to open as gatherings for worship - and that gets to the heart of why we are open and what we can do. No gatherings for being sociable as yet, I’m afraid. But the essential meeting is with God.

Noli me tangere - “Don’t touch me,” says Jesus to Mary Magdalene after she recognises the Risen Christ in a man she first thought to be a gardener. People still wonder what Jesus is saying to her. But the words have a poignancy for us now, unable to reach out and touch people who are so dear to us. The risen Jesus, however, comes to us to touch our hearts. He makes himself present in the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion - even as we are restricted to receiving him in the form only of the bread of the Eucharist, unable to share in a common cup.

The disciples had their first meeting with the risen Jesus behind locked doors. Still we know what it is to be locked down. But Christ and the power of his Resurrection are no less real for this. Let us come to meet him in our churches if we can - and if it’s wiser to stay home, let us meet him where we are.      May you know his peace, joy & blessing.                

Martin Jackson

From the April issue of our Parish Magazine - find it all and much more online by clicking on this link

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