Sunday 21 March 2021

Eucharist for Passion Sunday, the 5th Sunday of Lent

Eucharist for Passion Sunday, the 5th Sunday of Lent. The Revd Martin Jackson presides and preaches on this Sunday in which we turn our attention to Christ's final journey to the Cross.

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified… Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit

Next Sunday it will be Palm Sunday – the beginning of Holy Week. But the Church of England marks the beginning of a two-week season of Passion-tide, starting with the Fifth Sunday of Lent. “The hour has come…” says Jesus. Now is the time…

And then there’s Jesus’ invitation to us to follow him. It’s not an easy path to follow; the last year of pandemic has itself been a sort of prolonged Passion-tide. As we approach Easter we seek to look once more to the hope of which the Resurrection speaks. And that might be reinforced with the promise of which Jeremiah spoke – a new Covenant between God and his people, written on our hearts.

Public worship remains suspended, but both our PCCs have now voted to resume public worship in Holy Week and in time for Easter. Details as we have so far worked them out are given in this week’s pewsheetl. It will be different from what we might hope – all the restrictions we had before the suspension of our services will still be in place (face-coverings, social distancing, a ban on ”mingling,” no congregational singing), but I hope it will be no less a celebration. The first Easter itself was characterised by much confusion with an empty tomb and disputes as to what was going on – but on it is built all our faith. So, watch this space…

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